Best Aesthetic and Cosmetology Solutions in Islamabad

Best Aesthetic and Cosmetology Solutions in Islamabad

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The Nd: YAG laser is one kind of laser used extensively in depilation, often known as the removal of hair. This causes it to produce light in the near-infrared spectrum, which is then absorbed by the melanin pigment in hair follicles. This causes the follicles to get overheated, leading to their demise and halting any further hair growth that may occur.

For our Pakistani skin, the Nd: YAG laser is the most efficient hair removal laser system, and it almost never causes any severe side effects. The bulk of the research that was carried out to establish the skin tone type of Pakistanis utilized this procedure, which was successful. IPAL Islamabad employs the industry’s most cutting-edge Nd: YAG Candela YAG Laser System currently on the market.


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